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Personal Finance

5 Tips for Saving for Retirement—Automatically

Short Title: 
Saving for Retirement—Automatically

Automatic features make saving simple, but auto-saving isn’t the same as putting things on autopilot. These tips will help you make the most of your company’s automatic retirement savings features.

Core Official Date: 
Tuesday, April 26, 2016 - 13:15
Author (External): 
[email protected] (FINRA Staff)

Managing the Financial Impact of Unexpected Job Loss

Short Title: 
Managing a Job Loss

Rarely a day goes by that you don't hear about some company that has down-sized or closed its doors. It's a sober economic reality. You may not be able to control if or when your company decides to make some cuts—but you can plan ahead and take steps to manage the financial impact of those events.

Core Official Date: 
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - 13:45
Author (External): 
[email protected] (FINRA Staff)

How Investors Can Avoid Getting Fooled

Short Title: 
Don't Get Fooled

April 1st is a day to indulge in silly hoaxes and pranks. But there's nothing funny about a fraudster carrying out a scam, and no one will yell ‘April Fools' to make the harm melt away. So as April begins—and with it Financial Literacy Month—instead of offering practical jokes, here are five practical tips for becoming a smarter investor.

Core Official Date: 
Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 14:00
Author (External): 
[email protected] (FINRA Staff)

Power of Attorney and Your Investments—10 Tips

Short Title: 
Power of Attorney and Your Investments

It’s never too early to consider how you want your financial affairs to be managed if something happens to you. One solution is to grant a power of attorney (POA) for your investment account assets to someone you trust to act wisely and in your best interest.

Core Official Date: 
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 09:00
Author (External): 
[email protected] (FINRA Staff)
